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Send video responses from VideoAsk to an email with Zapier

Are you tired of manually sending videoask responses to your team or clients? With Zapier, you can streamline the process by automating the task of sending new video responses via email to multiple recipients. Say goodbye to the hassle of manually sending videos and save time with this simple automation solution.

This workflow allows you to automatically send an email containing links to new video responses to your team and clients, or even send respondents an email with the videos they’ve submitted to your videoask.

Emails will be sent from a no-reply zapiermail.com address and you’ll be able to send up to 10 emails per hour. If you expect to receive more than 10 responses per hour to your videoask, we recommend sending your responses to Google Drive, Dropbox or Airtable instead and sharing the file with your team or clients.

Note: You can have up to 5 recipients in the email and keep in mind email addresses won’t be bcc’ed, so recipients will be able to see all other email addresses.

We recommend setting up this workflow before sharing your videoask with your respondents. If you set up the workflow after receiving responses to your videoask, previously collected responses won’t be sent in an email.

Before getting started, here’s what you’ll need to set up this workflow:

  • A VideoAsk account
  • A Zapier account

Note: Free plans are available for these tools.

New to VideoAsk? Take a look at our guide on creating your first videoask.

Set up videoask responses to be sent in an email with Zapier

⚠️ Important: Before starting, make sure to set all interactions as shareable so recipients are able to view the video responses. 🤗


From your VideoAsk account, select the videoask you want to connect to Zapier.



Click Connect to other apps.



Scroll down the list of integrations until you see Zapier E-mail by Zapier and click Connect.



Click Try this template.



You’ll now be prompted to sign in to your Zapier account. If you’ve never used Zapier before, you can sign up for a free account.



Click Get started.



Choose the VideoAsk account you’d like to connect, and click Next.



If you’re part of more than one VideoAsk Organization, select the one with the videoask you want to connect, and click Next.



Choose the videoask you’d like to connect (you can also use the search bar instead of scrolling), then click Next.



Select the fields you want to edit in the email, then click Next.
The following fields are required for the integration:

  • To
  • Subject
  • Body



Now it’s time to map fields from VideoAsk into Email by Zapier.


In our example, we’ll be sending an email to respondents of our async job interview videoask with links to the video responses they’ve submitted for the interview.

Our videoask uses a contact form to ask for their name and email address. When mapping the To field, we’ll select the Contact Email from the dropdown to send an email to the respondent.

If you’d like to send the email to your team or client instead, you can type in their email address in the To field. It can be a comma-separated list with up to 5 email addresses.

In the Body field, configure any text you’d like to include in the email. Then select the Share URLs from the dropdown list for links to the video responses. If you have multiple video steps in your videoask, make sure to add a line break in between each Share URL - otherwise, the URLs won’t be separated in the email. Below is an example of what the Body field could look like:


💡Tip: Add titles to your videoask steps to easily locate them in Zapier when composing your email.


When you’ve finished mapping, click Next.



Review the email and click Send test.



If the test was successful, click Next. Or click Back to edit your zap.



Click Turn on Zap to start the automation.



Your zap is now all setup! 🎉 You can submit a test response to your videoask and make sure everything looks the way you want it to.


Looking for more ways to use VideoAsk with Zapier? Check out our popular Zapier flows.

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